He takes a holistic approach to personal training:- combining core muscle training, functional training, aerobic and strength training.
He pushes me beyond the “giving up” stage on my workout. Paulo knows just how far my body can be pushed without going over the limit. His focus is on creating results – there is no room to waste time. I am fully engaged throughout the 60 minutes. So I get a good workout.
I get encourage to continue right when I want to give up during an exercise. He won’t let me quit and that sometimes is hard to take at times when he is pushing me between 10 & 15% out of my comfort zone. So I have been working harder than what I thought I could do …..The hard work has payoff. I would not achieve this level working out on my own. ( See results/Benefits below )
My workout routine changes every few weeks, which keeps me from getting bored while improving overall body fitness. Paulo keeps challenging me so that I don’t become complacent. One day I could be skipping or boxing then doing the Scandinavian bicep curl and then the next workout we are doing a navy seal routine. I stay alert and focused.
Give me direction while I am doing the exercise. Paulo will demonstrate the right technique, how to breath and how to move when doing an exercise. He constantly correcting any slip-up in form or function he sees. “Don’t arch your back! …Head up!.... Breath!” he will be saying to me. This I realize is to help avoid any physical injury. He won’t let me continue doing the exercise if there is any discomfort. So he does have a concern for his client’s well- being.
10 Results/ Benefits I have from training with Paulo Fernandes:
1. Improved Physique. I’m noticing the appearance of some muscle definition and a reduction in body fat.
2. Improved posture: I feel confident, present and grounded.
3. People I have not seen for a while remark on how I have changed and look good.
4. Energized. I feel alive and full of energy throughout the busy day and don’t feel tidy at night.
5. My outlook on live is positive. I am able to handle day to day stresses.
6. My sinuses and hay fever symptoms have decreased.
7. Mental / Concentration at work and on projects have improved 10 fold.
8. Balance and co-ordination has improved. At work I am able to step up a ladder or reach down underneath a counter top without any back ache or having the fear of falling and injuring myself.
9. My eating habits have changed to eating the right foods at the right times.
10. I’m much stronger. I am lifting 20% more weight. I can do pull- ups, which I could never do!