Paulo Fernandes experience
Paulo has been participating in workshops with top trainers throughout the world.
On the Boxing side, he trained with German lightweight European champion and with Continental IBF heavy weight champion.
On the Personal training side he travelled to Lisbon (Portugal) & Zurich- (Switzerland) for a workshop at Holmes place on functional and weight lifting training.
He also travelled to London, UK, for a special workshop with Paul Connolly, one of the Top Celebrity’s trainers in the world.
In Cape Town & Johannesburg- SA (South Africa) where he lived for 8years (until 2010), he toke part in different workshops and exchanges knowledge with Top Local Trainers and he also did the XLR8 workshop (Athlete ply-metrics) speed, power and stability training system from New Zealand.
Paulo has been a Karate/Kickboxing instructor since 2005 and a Personal Trainer since 2006. In 2007, he started his own Cardio-Fitness "Boxfit" company.
Paulo’s specializes his Personal Training on: boxing conditioning training, functional training, Athletes performance, plyometrics/balance, speed/agility, core stability/strength.
In 2008, Paulo published his own fitness manual (beginners, intermediate & advance) tubing workout.
Paulo has been working with most of the top fitness studios in Luanda- Angola since 2008, providing consulting in the fitness industry, workshops & ETA (exercise teacher's academy) Fitness qualifications, mentoring as well as supervising instructors.
2010, Paulo's main focus in Fitness is to start working with Sport clubs training all types of athletes in Athlete's performance and carry on running Fitness courses and ETA (exercise teacher's academy) qualifications in Luanda- Angola.
Paulo's Biography
Age 32, Paulo Fernandes was born in Cape Verd Island.
He moved to Maputo in Mozambique at the age of 12 and began martial arts when he was 15.
In 2001, he finished high school and he decided to go to Cape Town, South Africa, in order to pursue his studies in Sport Management & Personal Training.
While studying, Paulo founded Cardio- fitness ‘Boxfit’ training.
A part-time modeling career lead him to model for Sports magazines, catalogues and TV Commercials.
Paulo is a Buddhist and his way of living applies to his Clients & Students as a life coach at the same time. Nature and healthy life style are part of his being.
In 2006 Paulo came 2nd with a Silver medal in the Shukokai World Karate championship in Helsinki-Finland
Since 2006, he has been working as a Professional athlete, training Karate and amateur Boxing 2-3 hours per day, 5 days a week.
In 2008, Paulo was nominated one of the most Sexy man's in SA (South Africa) by the Cosmopolitan Magazine and he also came 3rd with a bronze medal in the Shukokai World Karate championship in Zurich-Switzerland.
Since 2007, Paulo became the assistant of the Coach/Captain of the Karate All-style National teams of Cape Verde Island and Mozambique. He is also part of the Shukokai Karate National team of South Africa.
Paulo lives by his motto: “Embrace everything that comes on your way or that you touch”
Monday, March 7, 2011
Is Doing Abs A Waste Of Time?
I can't even tell you how often I hear someone at the end of the workout say something like "I need to do more abs, I want to get a six-pack."
The truth is that passing on a six-pack is a better way to get a six-pack than six hundred sit-ups. The key to abdominal definition is the visibility of the abdominal musculature, not the strength of the muscles.
You can do one million sit-ups, crunches or whatever exercise you want and it will have no effect on abdominal definition.
When people ask me the best exercise for abs I tell them table push-aways.
It usually takes a few minutes for them to get it. It's not a joke, it's the truth. If you want better abs, eat less and train more but, don't just train your abs.
The idea of working abs to get abs is one of the oldest misconceptions in training. This goes back to the old idea of spot reduction. Spot reduction has never and will never work. The research has been done over and over and the answer is always the same.
You can't decrease the fat layer on a particular area by working that area. That means that the guys doing sit-ups to lose abdominal fat and the lady sitting on the adductor (inner thigh) machine are both wasting their time.
Good total body work is, was, and always will be the key to fat loss.
Want better abdominal definition?
Finish every workout with some hard interval training instead of extra sit-ups or crunches. Interval training or what is currently called
High Intensity Interval Training (abbreviated HIIT) is the real key to fat loss and the resulting definition.
Interval training burns more calories than steady state aerobic training and because it is s sprint program you get a sprinters body.
Abdominal training may potentially reduce the diameter of the waistline but, will very little to reduce bodyfat.
The truth is there are lots of good reasons to do abdominal work or core training as we now like to call it. A strong core (strong abs) is one of the keys in the prevention of back pain. A strong core will help you look better and improve performance in a host of sports but, sit-ups or any other abdominal exercise will not reduce bodyfat. The fact of the matter is that crunches will lead to back pain long before they lead to visual abs.
Another good tip.
Don't do crunches. A good abdominal or core program is a lot more than crunches. Most of your core work should be isometric exercises like front planks and side planks or carries like Suitcase carries.
One of the major functions of the core musculature is the prevention of motion.
What does that mean? It means that the abdominals are great stabilizers. Work on the stability function, not on flexion and extension.